Hemorrhoid or anal fissure. Either one is a really painful condition. Many people who’ve anal fissures think their pain is brought on by hemorrhoids and some who have hemorrhoids wrongly believe they suffer from an anal fissue. Here we’ll try to explain the difference.

An anal fissure is, basically, a small tear or cut in the lining of the anus. Anal fissures are usually caused by straining whilst on the toilet or by constipation. Sometime fissures are related to severe bouts of diarrhea. Fissures can be very painful, particularly during a bowel movement when the fissure is stretched. There will be red blood streaking the stool if you have a fissure.

More than 90% of fissures will heal without surgery. Suggestions to help prevent recurrence are increasing the fiber intake in your diet. This could be best achieved by taking an over the counter fiber supplement. Drink plenty of water to help keep your stools soft. Some take stool softeners, but don’t take them for a longer period of time than is suggested by the manufacturer. Warm sitz baths can help ease the pain. Sit in a few inches of warm water for fifteen minutes 2 to 3 times a day. When you wipe, make use of a cotton ball or pad soaked in witch hazel. You can purchase pre moistened wipes in your drug store. Some who suffer with fissures are prescribed topical cortisone creams. Tylenol and Ibuprofen can help ease the pain.

Hemorrhoids are a really common medical ailment which affect both women and men. A hemorrhoid is an enlarged or swollen anal vein. As with anal fissures, hemorrhoids develop because of bad bathroom habits, such as sitting on the toilet for prolonged periods or straining. You’ll observe bright red blood with hemorrhoids. You may suffer from internal or external hemorrhoids. Generally internal hemorrhoids, which appear higher up in the anus aren’t painful, and only cause bleeding. It’s when an internal hemorrhoid prolapses, or drops outside of the anus and becomes what’s known as an external hemorrhoid that it becomes painful and problematic.

Just like anal fissures, hemorrhoid symptoms can be helped by sitz baths, wiping with cotton soaked with witch hazel, taking stool softeners, drinking more water, and increasing the fiber in your diet with a fiber supplement. You will find numerous over the counter medications which can help relieve symptoms.

Please keep in mind, not all rectal bleeding is because of hemorrhoids and fissures. If you experience any rectal bleeding, it ought to be checked immediately by a doctor.

Getting good information on how to cure hemorrhoid these days is not so easy. Good thing I found this great website right here: How To Cure Hemorrhoid